
The fells and valleys of Upper Wharfedale are overflowing with delights from which, once under their spell, very few can escape.

Upper Wharfedale Field Society works to increase the enjoyment derived from the area by deepening and widening understanding of its many and various elements.

Open any of the pages of this site and see what we do.

Meet us and experience it for yourself. You are very welcome to our talks or to join us.

Arthur Raistrick
Arthur Raistrick

As part of the celebration of 70 years of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, a number of local and regional societies came together to present:

The Legacy of Arthur Raistrick

Dr Arthur Raistrick was instrumental in the creation and definition of the Upper Wharfedale Field Society:

For Upper Wharfedale Field Society specific recollections:

  • Bulletin 2010: “Dr Arthur Raistrick – The Man” click here
  • “Raistrick in the press” – click here
  • “Founders: Arthur Raistrick” – click here
  • “AGM 2024 – Arthur Raistrick, founder of UWFS” – click here
  • “Ironbridge – Raistrick’s contribution” – click here
Arthur Raistrick June 1917

Latest News & Articles


Latest News & Articles

The Upper Wharfedale Field Society is constantly working hard behind the scenes. See what is happening here.


Special Interest Groups

The Upper Wharfedale Field Society covers a wide range of special interest groups.



In the Yorkshire Dales, local history and its vernacular buildings are inextricably linked. We have especial interest in all local history, through all aspects of industry including farming, social history from peasant to aristocrat, early trading, tracks and coach routes.



The earth formations and movements of the past have created an area of outstanding natural beauty. The most recent apparent dominant force is glaciation which has created the landscape which we see today, in particular the Upper Wharfedale Valley, but there is much more to the valleys, hills and rocks of the Yorkshire Dales.

Burnt Orchid


The Botany Group holds its meetings every other Tuesday from end of April to mid August usually for the whole day. The meetings vary from those sites very close to Grassington eg Kilnsey park, the banks of the Wharfe, to further afield e.g. the west coast for dune systems, reserves in Cumbria and our National Natures Reserves as around Ingleborough. In this way we can become familiar with plants that are not on our doorstep and sites away from limestone grassland.



Our principal aims are to enjoy and learn more about the birds in our area by improving our recognition skills of both appearance and calls.



There are a considerable number of archaeological sites in Upper Wharfedale and Archaeology is regularly represented the Society’s talks programme . In recent years we have had guest speakers from Bradford University and York Archaeological Trust as well as presentations on field work being carried out locally in Wharfedale, Nidderdale and Ingleborough.

“The fells and valleys of Upper Wharfedale are overflowing with delights from which, once under their spell, very few can escape.”

Upper Wharfedale Field Society


Events & Talks

Here’s what is coming up soon.

Ancient volcanoes have moulded the British Isles. I will illustrate this by looking at the main volcanic periods over the last half-billion years, and how these formed mountain ranges and other features still visible in the British landscape.

“Members of the National Trust’s Yorkshire Dales team will give an overview about current projects on its Upper Wharfedale estate, an area of tenanted livestock farms with species rich limestone grassland, upland hay meadows and blanket bog. We’ll talk about partnership work to restore blanket bogs, new woodland creation and how we are developing access for the local and wider community

UWFS Local History Group visit to Wetherby

Yorkshire Dales National Park was designated in 1954 in recognition of its extraordinary natural beauty, the diversity of its wildlife habitats, its rich cultural heritage, and it’s fantastic opportunities for outdoor recreation.


Contact Us

If you have any questions for the Upper Wharfedale Field Society, or you just want to get on touch, please contact us below.

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