Taken from the Craven Herald 31 Aug 1923 by Keith P

Opening of a New Town Hall

Appended is a list of the results of the sports held in connection with the opening of the New Grassington Town Hall yesterday (Thursday) week.

100 yards (boys) – Edmund Maxfield, 2 Jack Allen: 100 yards (girls) Margaret Bayley, 2 Joy Allen; slow cycle race – Stanley Grimshaw, 2 Reggie Harker; egg and spoon race – Marion Stockdale, 2 M Boothroyd; Sack race – Joe Hawley, 2 Harold Bayley; wheelbarrow race – Messrs Tetley and Barstow, 2 Messrs Greenhough and Hayley; tilting the bucket – Dr Crosbie and Mr Cordingley, 2 Messrs Nicholls and Maxfield.

As mentioned in the “Craven Herald” last week, the procession which preceded the opening ceremony included a number of children in fancy dress and the eight best were adjudged to be as follows: Barbara Greenhough, Madeleine Irlam, N Beckwith, R Chapman, Arthur Pickles, Dorothy Pickles, Jean Harker and Jack Harker.

The fancy dress ball in the evening was a decided success, no less than 778 persons paying for admission. Mr and Mrs Harold Mitchell of Bradford were the judges and the prize winners were as follows: Ladies Mrs Karl Maufe (Arabian lady), gentlemen Mr R Percy (cowboy); girls (under 16) Miss Barbara Smith (Japanese girl); boys (under 18) Eric Varley (Arabian prince).

The refreshment committee desire us to convey their warmest thanks to the residents of the village for their generous help. During the evening 100 meals were served and a sale of surplus refreshments realised £18.