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The introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) is of major concern for a range of stakeholders, with annual costs in the UK estimated to be £1.8 billion. IAS impacts range from ecosystem function alteration, predation of native species, direct human health concerns and increased flood risk. Whilst controlling established population is essential, preventing IAS spread is considered the most cost-effective management method. IAS can be spread on a range of vectors including vehicles, boats and recreational equipment. Methods employed to prevent the spread of IAS by removing them from vectors are collectively termed, biosecurity. Determining methods that are both effective in removal and cost- and time- efficient are essential to inform biosecurity guidelines. Furthermore, understanding stakeholders’ level of awareness of biosecurity, and the impact of training is key to achieving altered behaviours to prevent IAS spread and validating training techniques. Collectively this work develops our understanding of preventing IAS, thus limiting their impact on the environment.

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