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Meet at the YDNP car park in Grassington at 9.45am for 10am departure.


The walk: We will leave the YDNP car park via the well walked path leading down to Linton Falls. After crossing the river Wharfe we head for Linton Church and thereafter make our way uphill until we reach the road. After crossing the road we take the next footpath to our right. Our walk continues uphill until we reach Thorpe Lane where we turn left and head for the hamlet of Thorpe. A coffee break will be taken at this point. Shortly after heading down the road in the direction of Burnsall we take the footpath to our right which will lead us directly to the village. After a break for lunch we make our way back to Grassington via the Dales Way.

Please contact walks@uwfs.org.uk if you would like to go.

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