07 06 22
Led by Jane Hargreaves
Above photos, Globe Flower, Bogbean, Common Wintergreen.
Seven keen botanists met at the quarry car park for the short walk to the Malham Board Walk constructed so the raised bog is able to be visited and walked by a great many people without damage. The day was fine, even hot, making our slow progress looking at plants in great detail a real pleasure. We missed all those who had other commitments but agreed we had a good number for this linear walk which we all knew well.
Early June is a different time of year for this walk as in recent years it has been programmed for mid- July. Now many different plants dominated, especially abundant were glowing yellow Globe Flower and striking white Bogbean


Globe Flowers
Keen eyes found the few small patches of minute Cranberry and the even smaller patches of tiny Round-leaved Sundew with leaves of diameter 3 millimetres maximum.

Towards the end of the walk many leaves of Common Wintergreen were seen and then a number of stems topped with strong pink buds of the whiter flowers not yet out. The Marsh Cinquefoil leaves were seen but this special flower was not yet to show itself, so often found in July.

Common Wintergreen
The walk started with an excellent example of a proliferation or sport of Water Avens and towards the end we saw a group of “yellow” Water Avens with Wood Avens shaped petals which is the hybrid of Water and Wood Avens

Hybrid Avens

This relaxed gentle day was much enjoyed by all of us and produced a good list of sightings
Jane Hargreaves
Photos Jane Hargreaves
Website Christine Bell