Opportunity to get involved: New Secretary required
A message from Hanneke:
As most of you will know, I will be standing down as your Secretary, after almost 20 years at the AGM on 24th April 2023.
The Committee is looking for a member, who will enjoy, as much as I have, to come forward and take over this rewarding role.
The main tasks are:
- To prepare the Agenda and take the minutes of the 4, or so Committee meetings and the Agenda and AGM minutes.
- To support the President and the Committee
- To keep up-to-date the Membership list, keep contact with the 4 Honorary Life members and liaise with the Group leaders.
I made the role my own as:
- I have enjoyed organising the Annual Dinner/Lunch, but this can be done by a Committee member.
- I have also enjoyed organising the bi-annual Trip of 3 nights in different parts of the country, and if this is to continue, this can also be organised by a Committee member.
It will be difficult for your Society to survive without a Secretary.
Please come forward and take on this truly enjoyable role, helping to sustain and develop the success of the Society into the future.
You can contact me to discuss the role in more detail, or contact the other Committee members of the Society (see contact details in your green membership booklet) or by emailing secretary@uwfs.org.uk
Next Meeting
The next UWFS event is at 7.30pm on 13th March 2023 at the Octagon Theatre, Grassington when Dr Ian Adams will be giving a talk on ‘The Victorian Passion for Terracotta’. Entry is free to members and non-members pay £3 at the door. All welcome. Annual membership is £20. Refreshments will be provided free of charge at the end of the event.
Return of our iconic birds
On our recent UWFS walking group outing we were treated to the call of a Curlew and the sighting of a number of lapwings near Mire House on Grassington Moor.
Meanwhile in the village a male greater Spotted Woodpecker has been visiting our feeder and the Tawny Owls have started to make themselves known.
Spring must be on its way !