It is with regret that we announce that Ian Goldthorpe passed away on Dec 16, aged 89

Ian had been in a home in Beverley so he could be close to family. He was a stalwart of the Field Society, a past President. He was the first member who started to take members away for a few days on very well-prepared visits to, for instance, churches in the East Riding, all with the most interesting architecture, or other most historical attractions  He regularly led walks around Wharfedale. He authored “Grassington towards the Millenum” supported by a number of Field Society members.

He lived for many years in Moody Sty Lane, Grassington, before he became ill.

Those members, who knew him will miss his knowledge of vernacular buildings and friendship. More of his background can be found here


We wish all our members a peaceful Christmas and the hope that we soon all can meet up again and enjoy what the Field Society has to offer.
