Reports Archive
Enjoy all reports pertaining to the Archaeology special interest group.
July 2020
Grassington Moor – Sun Rise on the Mines
UWFS notes on Grassington Lead mines
February 2017
Neolithic Long Mounds of the Yorkshire Dales
Talk delivered by Yvonne Luke The Neolithic period, starting about 6000 years before the present, marks the beginning of a society based on farming. The earth
October 2016
Archaeological Sites In Colombia
On 3 October, 2016 Patrick and Sally Wiegand gave a talk on two archaeological sites in Colombia, including treasures from the Gold Museum in Bogota. San
July 2016
Druids’ Altar
The Druids’ Altar is thought to be a Bronze Age ‘Four Poster’ stone circle located at the top of Malham Moor Lane on the boundary between