Treasurer’s Report 2017/2018

The accounts for the year ending 31st August 2018 completed by myself and audited by Philip Sugden showed a surplus of £220.76. On behalf of the Society’s Members I would like to thank Philip for completing the audit.

Where there have been substantial changes in income and expenditure these are explained below.

In March 2018 the Society was successful in obtaining a grant of £900 towards the cost of its new website and is extremely grateful to the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (Roger Stott Community Grants) for their contribution.

Subscription income fell by £280 as a result of a fall in membership numbers.

The reduction of £64 in donations received was principally a result of a member making a donation for book repairs undertaken by David Phillipson (member) free of charge in 2016/2017. The Society’s thanks go to David and all members donating.

Costs in relation to the new website for this financial year amounted to £1,119.50.

The rise of £106.50 in Speakers Honoraria costs relate to an increase in the fees and expenses requested by the speakers who provide the talks and is agreed by the Speaker   Co-ordinator.

Printing costs for production of the 2017 Annual Bulletin and Winter Programme Card for 2017/2018 rose by £52.

Administration costs were substantially reduced in all areas (existing website, stationery and photocopying).

Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society did not request renewal of the Society’s membership subscription in 2016/2017 resulting in an increase in the Society’s affiliated membership fees for 2017/2018.

Projector hire fees were substantially reduced as the Society made less use of Grassington Hub’s equipment.

Fund-raising event costs increased by £37.30 as result of hiring Church House twice during the year.

I am pleased to report that Upper Wharfedale Field Society is in a strong financial position. Reserves are available to pay the remaining costs for its new website during the financial year 2018/2019 and to fund the 70th Anniversary celebrations in 2019.

Ann Shaw


10th January 2019

The Society’s annual subscription has remained the same for 2017/2018 and will continue to remain at £20.00 for 2018/2019.



  • Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
  • Ramblers
  • Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union
  • Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society