Treasurer’s Report 2017/2018
Where there have been substantial changes in income and expenditure these are explained below.
In March 2018 the Society was successful in obtaining a grant of £900 towards the cost of its new website and is extremely grateful to the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (Roger Stott Community Grants) for their contribution.
Subscription income fell by £280 as a result of a fall in membership numbers.
The reduction of £64 in donations received was principally a result of a member making a donation for book repairs undertaken by David Phillipson (member) free of charge in 2016/2017. The Society’s thanks go to David and all members donating.
Costs in relation to the new website for this financial year amounted to £1,119.50.
The rise of £106.50 in Speakers Honoraria costs relate to an increase in the fees and expenses requested by the speakers who provide the talks and is agreed by the Speaker Co-ordinator.
Printing costs for production of the 2017 Annual Bulletin and Winter Programme Card for 2017/2018 rose by £52.
Administration costs were substantially reduced in all areas (existing website, stationery and photocopying).
Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society did not request renewal of the Society’s membership subscription in 2016/2017 resulting in an increase in the Society’s affiliated membership fees for 2017/2018.
Projector hire fees were substantially reduced as the Society made less use of Grassington Hub’s equipment.
Fund-raising event costs increased by £37.30 as result of hiring Church House twice during the year.
I am pleased to report that Upper Wharfedale Field Society is in a strong financial position. Reserves are available to pay the remaining costs for its new website during the financial year 2018/2019 and to fund the 70th Anniversary celebrations in 2019.
Ann Shaw
10th January 2019
The Society’s annual subscription has remained the same for 2017/2018 and will continue to remain at £20.00 for 2018/2019.
- Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
- Ramblers
- Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union
- Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society