In view of Corona virus, we are unable to hold the AGM on 20 April, despite our constitution dictating that the AGM should take place during April each year.
I attach the Agenda for the 20 April AGM. To enable the Society to carry out its business should the Government forbid gatherings even in September, I would ask you to vote by email for the Officers and members of the Committee for the 2020/21 season. We need at least 15 votes for the proposal to be carried. We will then deal with all other matters at a future date.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Upper Wharfedale Field Society
Annual General Meeting
Was to be held 20 April 2020 at 7.30pm
1. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 29 April 2019 – Proposer and Seconder
2. Matters arising from the minutes
3. Secretary’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report, subscription and affiliation to other Societies
5. Librarian’s Report
6. Website
7. Constitution
8. Proposal for election to vacant offices and committee with effect from 1 September 2020
8.1 President: Mr. Philip Sugden
8.2 Vice President: ?
8.3 General Secretary: Mrs. Hanneke Dye
8.4 Treasurer: Mrs. Ann Shaw
8.5 Website Co-ordinator: Dr Chris Alder
8.6 Health and Safety Officer: Dr Keith Berrington
8.7 Publicity Officer: Dr. Keith Berrington
8.8 Speaker Secretary: Mrs. Wendy Berrington
8.9 Honorary Auditor: Mr. Philip Sugden
8.10 Walk Secretary: Mr. Dave Wolstenhulme and Mrs. Heide Wolstenhulme
8.11 Committee: Mrs. Win Clements, Mrs. Marion Hutchinson and Mrs. Jo Prowse
9. Proposal for election to vacant offices and committee with effect from 1 September 2020
10. Proposal to charge visitors £3 for both our regular lectures and the Harland and Raistrick lectures
11. AOB – Vote from Members by email to