With the temporary warming of the weather Marg has spotted 9 frogs in her garden.

British Bird Survey – training

Invasive Non-Native Species survey training

Yorkshire Dales River Trust are in the process of organising an INNS Survey training event for Thursday the 28th of April. The time is TBC but we will aim for a 10am start. INNS is Invasive Non-Native Species such as Himalayan Balsam

This will be an online event to teach surveying techniques and identification skills, and will be open to anyone interested in surveying for INNS.

This will be followed up by an event the following week, on Wednesday the 4th of May, which will be a practical demonstration and planning session in Bedale. Again, the time is TBC but they are will be aiming for a 10am start time.

If people wish to attend, they sound contact Fern (fern.wilkinson@ydrt.co.uk) or Sarah (Sarah.clarke@ydrt.co.uk) and they will ensure folks receive an invite.