“geoscience” or “Earth science” is the study of the structure, evolution and dynamics of the Earth and its natural minerals and energy resources. Geology investigates the processes that have shaped the Earth through its 4,500 million year history and uses the rock record to unravel that history.

James Hutton, the “Father of Modern Geology”, originated the theory of uniformitarianism – a fundamental principle of geology – that explains the features of the Earth crust by means of natural processes over geological time. This was the belief that geological forces at work in the present day – barely noticeable to the human eye, yet immense in their impact – are the same as those that operated in the past.
UWFS Geology Group 2023/2024
We hope to meet on the last Wednesday of the month, occasionally indoors at a museum, more often outdoors for a full or half day’s field trip. There is not a programme as such, a small group of us having met late last year to come up with some ideas and to share the planning of same. So far we have visited Cliffe Castle Museum Keighley, Craven Museum Skipton and hope to do trips on Otley Chevin and the area around Greenhow. We are open to new interested members and new ideas, suggestions and other input.
Current coordinator Josephine Drake
For more information, contact via geology@uwfs.org.uk

Geology trip to The Chevin, Otley 27 Mar 24
Geology group trip to The Chevin, Otley
Visiting the Raistrick Rock and Fossil Collection
UWFS Geology group trip to Craven Museum
Trowbarrow Quarry 29 May 24
Group visit to Trowbarrow Quarry
Geology trip to The Chevin, Otley 27 Mar 24
Geology group trip to The Chevin, Otley
Visiting the Raistrick Rock and Fossil Collection
UWFS Geology group trip to Craven Museum

Group Visits
The Geology Group meets on the last Wednesday of each month for a visit to some site of geological interest.
For further information or to get on the Group email list please use the contact form below

Contact Us
If you have any questions for the Upper Wharfedale Field Society, or you just want to get on touch, please contact us below.