Local and Regional Societies dedicated to the informed understanding and enjoyment of the Yorkshire Dales, together with Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, celebrating 70 years of the National Park – founded 1954, present:


Scientist, AUTHOR, Visionary, DALESMAN

A weekend event to recognise a life’s work that today influences our understanding and enjoyment of the Yorkshire Dales and beyond.

Saturday 20 July 2024  09.00 – 17.00 hrs Devonshire Institute, Grassington BD23 5AA

A programme of 8 talks and discussion on the life and work of Arthur Raistrick (including speakers who knew and worked with him):

Sunday 21 July 2024

Geology (further education, palynology, glacial geomorphology);    Social and Industrial Welfare;
Industrial Archaeology;   History and Legacy of Lead Mining;   Landscape HistoryCountryside access; Chronicler and author of Life in the Dales;    Leading Advocate for the National Park

A programme of 6-8 guided excursions in the Settle-Grassington-Greenhow , area of the southern Dales – including a visit to a lead mine, and walks covering glacial landforms, lead mining heritage, landscape evolution and the archaeology and development of settlements


REGISTRATION:  prior registration is essential.  A £10.00 registration fee will be charged, to include a programme of abstracts and excursion summaries; light refreshments free of charge will be provided throughout the Saturday programme.

Further details are posted on a dedicated area of the website of the Yorkshire Geological Society: www.yorksgeolsoc.org.uk

This site will host the registration process through Eventbrite; registration is open from the beginning of May 2024.  Check this website for details of the talks and excursions and additional information on parking, lunch facilities (packed lunches may be consumed on the premises) and other guidance.