Eleven keen birdwatchers met at the YWT’s Staveley nature reserve near Knaresborough on 18th May.  The birds sang lustily throughout the day, some of which we only heard rather than saw, although the Reed Bunting was ubiquitous as always at this time of year in the vicinity of the East Lagoon.  Excellent sightings of both Sedge and Reed Warblers gave a good opportunity to observe the differences between these two similar sounding species.

Buzzard, Red Kite, Swifts and other hirundines gave us displays in the sky and it was satisfying to pick out the more graceful flying of the Common Tern from the more numerous Black-headed gulls.

From the largest hide, Avocets were in evidence, as were two Little Ringed Plovers, but later, a regular visitor to the reserve reported that three out of the four Avocet nests had unfortunately been predated.

The weather, being sunny and warm, greatly contributed to a splendid day’s outing on which 43 species were seen.

Report by Clare Dunn