Six members made the journey to this RSPB reserve near Southport. The sunshine was very welcome but made bird identification quite difficult. In spite of that we recorded 31 species.
The highlights were the large numbers of Pink footed Geese which flew in from the marsh on a regular basis. Then there were the very large tightly packed groups of Black tailed Godwit , one or two still showing breeding plumage. other waders were Curlew, Lapwing, Redshank and Golden Plover, the latter being a long way off.. Among the ducks we saw Pintail, a first spot for one member.

Pintail landing

Pintail landing



Black-tailed Godwits

Black-tailed Godwits

After visiting the 2 hides, we drove down towards Southport pier hoping to see more waders on the high tide but they were still too far away. Several Little Egrets kept popping out of the long grass and we did see a Large White Egret on the shoreline, identifiable by its tall stature.

A most enjoyable outing.

Report: Win Clements, Photos: Ian Hughes